Frequently Asked Questions


I am new in this course. What should I do?

Check the date for Lab registration. Detailed information is given on Registration page.

What is needed for Lab Registration?

Finalize your Schedule. All courses, PSes and Labs of other courses must be definite in your schedule.  

How can I complete my Lab Registration?

Lab Registration is done at KB 410. Fill your SCHEDULE on the given empty program paper. Leave your program to the ASSISTANT. 

I work part-time. Is it possible to mark my busy hours in my schedule?

You have to prove that you work part-time. Your priority is your courses. In some cases you may be asked to change your work hours.

How can I learn my Lab Section?

Lab sections are announced at Lab Web Page after Lab registration. Announcement date is given on Lab web page.

I am repeating the course and I passed the Lab before. Is my previous Lab Grade still valid?

Lab Grades older than Fall 2003 are not valid. All lab grades except Spring 2020 and Summer 2020, including online semesters are valid. 

I took the lab 3 times. Which one will be valid if I repeat the course again?

The most recent Lab Grade taken are valid.

I repeat the course and passed the Lab before. Should I repeat the Lab too?

If you have already passed the lab before, you are not allowed to repeat it. Your last lab grade will be taken as your lab grade for the main course. 

Getting Started

What am I going to do at the first day of the Laboratory?
Download and print out the relevant "Lab Sheet". You must bring it to the Lab with you. You must complete the first page (pre-Lab report) of the relevant Lab sheet before the Lab and submit it in the first 5 min. of the lab. 
  • Read the information given at "Part I. Basic Methods" in your Lab Book.
  • You should review the presentation of Experiment 0.


In the LAB;

  • Sit a table shown by your instructor at the Lab.
  • If you work with a partner, take the data together but after that work seperately. Your Lab Report must be unique. Similar Lab reports are not accepted.
  • Use pen to fill your Lab Report. Draw graphs with pencil.
  • While you do the experiment and fill your Lab Report, use the information given at "Part I. Basic Methods" in your Lab Book.
  • Ask your questions to your Lab instructor not to your friends.
  • Use your own calculator, pen, pencil and eraser.
  • After you complete your Lab Report leave it to your Lab Instructor.
What is important in order to prepare my Lab report in each experiment?

In your Lab book, Part.I Basic Methods is important. You are advised to read that part. You are required to use the Lab Sheets to report your results. You should include all your calculations and measurements to show that you have completed the experiment fully and carried out the required analysis yourself.

Where can I buy the Lab Book?
Lab Books and Lab Sheets are given on Lab web page.
You must download the pdf file of Lab Sheets and print it before coming to the Lab. 
It is recommended to print the pdf file of Lab Books and bring it to the Lab.
You can also buy the lab book from Book Store.
There are more than one Physics Lab Book. Which one is mine?
Buy the correct Lab Book.
  • Phys 101: Physics 1
  • Phys 102: Physics 2
  • Phys 121: Physics 1
  • Phys 130: Physics 2
  • Phys 201: Physics 3
  • Phys 202: Physics 4
What should I bring to the Laboratory?

Bring hard copy of the relevant Lab Sheet (without your Lab Sheet, you miss the lab), calculator, pen, pencil, and eraser with you.

It is also recomnmended to bring the Lab bokks to LAB, as you will need them during the experiments. 

Missed Labs & Excuses

Is there any make up for missed labs?

There is no make up for missed labs unless you are charged for duty by the university or the exam of another course is given at the same hour.

What can I do if I am charged by the university for any event?
Take a paper from the university management showing that you are charged. In this case, you have to send an e-mail to physlab ( as soon as possible. Then you will be told in which sections you may take the make up during the same experiment period. You should give the excuse paper to that sections' Lab instructor.
You must inform us at least before that week. Late informing will not be accepted.
What can I do if I have any appointment at Consulate/Police (for foreign students) etc?
Take a copy of the appointment paper. 
In this case, you have to send an e-mail to physlab ( as soon as possible. Then you will be told in which sections you may take the make up during the same experiment period. You should give the excuse paper to that sections' Lab instructor.
You must inform us at least before that week. Late informing will not be accepted.
What can I do if I have any exam of my other courses at my Lab hour?

Bring a paper from your Professor explaining that you have/had an exam. 

In this case, you have to send an e-mail to physlab ( as soon as possible. Then you will be told in which sections you may take the make up during the same experiment period. You should give the excuse paper to that sections' Lab instructor.
You must inform us at least before that week. Late informing will not be accepted.
When can I make up for my missed lab if I have a valid excuse like being charged by university, having an appointment at Consulate/Police etc., having an exam of another course I take?
You can only make up for your missed lab during the same experiment period any time your lab course is tought. Except summer term this period is only one week. Each week the experiments are changed. In the summer term this period is just for 2 days.
What kind of excuses are valid in Physics Labs?
There are several excuses accepted:
  • A paper given by the university showing that you are charged for some duty: You can make up the missed experiment same experiment period with this excuse.
  • Any appointment from Consulate/Police etc. : You can make up the missed experiment same experiment period with this excuse.
  • A paper from the Professor that you have an exam of another course at the same hour: You can make up the missed experiment same experiment period with this excuse.
  • A proper medical excuse is a doctor's report taken from one of the following; our infirmary (revir), a state hospital in Istanbul. Reports from hospitals outside of Istanbul are not accepted: No make up.
  • For the first week, before and after holidays any excuse will be suspicious and considered seperately.
Is there any limit for missing the lab?

There is NO LIMIT for missed labs. But missed Lab grade will be ZERO. Final average Lab Grade must be at least 10 over 20 to pass.

How many of the valid excuses is accepted during the semester?
More than one valid excuse that does not require make up is not accepted during the semester. Only ONE. For more info read Lab Rules. 
With two valid excuses (that does not requrie make up) how can you grade my Physics Lab?
One of them will be accepted EXCUSED and ineffective in Lab Grade calculation and the other will be accepted as ZERO.
For more info read Lab Rules.
Where should I leave my excuse paper?
If you have an excuse letting you make up for your missed Lab, give it to the Lab Instructor you are doing your missed Experiment. Otherwise leave your excuse to Lab Coordinators' mail box at Physics Secretary Room in no more than 1 weeks. Don't forget to write on the excuse paper:
  • The Course Name (Phys 101, 102,... etc.)
  • Your name clearly
  • Your Lab Section (example: MM56)
  • Date that you missed the Lab.
  • Number of the Lab week (example: 5th Experiment)

Your excuses will be evaluated at the end of the semester.

Grading & Exam

How do you calculate my Lab Grade?
Lab Reports are graded over 12 and Lab Final Exam is out of 8.  For more info, consult Lab Rules. 
What is the minimum grade to pass the Lab?

Minimum grade to pass the Lab is 10 over 20.

Is there a make up for Lab Exam?

There is no Lab Exam make up.

Do I fail the Lab if I miss the Lab Exam?

If the average of your Lab Reports is 10 or more, you pass the Lab. The contribution of your Exam will be ZERO if you don't take the exam.